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Current Issue's

Determinants of Firm-level Technical Efficiency in the Indian Yarn Industry: Insights from Data Envelopment Analysis and Panel Regression
Production and Marketing Constraints Faced by Spring Maize Growers in Haryana
Factor Affecting Consumption of Fertilizer Nutrient in Haryana
Structurally Transforming Indian Economy with Special Reference to the Agriculture Sector
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About the Journal

Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, is a double blind Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal which has been Publishing since 1956. Economic Affairs(EA) is an Official Publication of Agricultural Economics and Social Science Research Association(AESSRA). Economic Affairs publishes original full length papers, review articles and short communications from all areas of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Statistics, Rural Development and Social Science. 
All the papers,Original research papers, review articles and short communications, are accepted on the basis of their quality and national/international context. On the decision of the Editorial Board, papers are reviewed by experts in relevant fields. The Editorial Board is the final authority to take decision on publication.
Periodicity: 4 Issues in a Year
Govt. of India RNI No: 5182/57
Frequency: March, June, September, December
National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) Rating: 5.45 (2024)

About the Association(AESSRA)

Agricultural Economics and Social Science Research Association(AESSRA) which is a Non-profit Organization, Registration No: IN-DL34373942938096R and has been registered under Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, India whose objectives are to advance and improve the quality of Education and unite researchers in the field of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Social Science.Economic Affairs (ISSN No: 0424-2513) is published under AESSRA.


Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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