Economic Affairs is a quarterly publication. At the same time, it appears in electronic format in website: ( giving free access to the full text, for a greater international visibility of the authors and the journal. The manuscripts must be written in English. The Editorial Committee and referees are all outstanding national and foreign researchers. The Editorial Board decides on the acceptance or rejection of a paper, and appeals are not accepted.


We have been screening manuscripts for plagiarism with authenticated software for the same. Stern action would be taken against handful of authors found involved in ethical misconduct. The screening and decision on articles cost huge time and resources of the Journal.

Conflict Of Interest

Prior to submission of manuscript all the authors involving in manuscript must have to disclose any and all conflict of interest they may have with the submitting manuscript in EA with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented


It is mandatory for the authors to provide their ORCID ID which is a unique identification number for the Authors and help them to get connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.


Authors are strongly encouraged to read all the "Guidelines" before submitting the manuscript to the journal Economic Affairs. If a manuscript is not adequately prepared as per guidelines of EA, it will return/sent back to authors for Technical Modifications before being sent for Editorial Review. The manuscript should be structured with Covering Letter, Title Page, Contributors Form, Copyright Form, Main Manuscript, Images, and Tables as per instructions templates. Editorial Staff/Journal Editors will not be involved in processing of their own academic work. The Editorial staff/editor's written submission will be assigned to at least two independent external reviewers for review. Decisions will be made by other editorial board members who have no conflict of interest with author.


1. Editorial Review if Article is as per EA Instructions else manuscript is returned to the author for a technical correction.

2. Editorial Review- 15-20 Days (If sent for Revised should be submitted again as the time given as per instructions EA)

3. Peer Review- 48 Days (If sent for Revised should be submitted again as the time given as per instructions EA)

Publication on acceptance shall depend on the manuscript's date of acceptance and category (original research, review, case reports, etc.)

The author can track the entire process through their log in the dashboard, and in case of queries, they can email the editor through their login page of the journal software ( editor query) Any query to the editor shall be responded to by email in 5 -7 working days

Format for Writing Paper

  • All papers must be 100% original and have not been published in parts (text/figures/tables) in any conference proceedings or journal in any form, any media or any language.
  • All papers will be reviewed and go through checking for plagiarism.
  • It is the full responsibility of authors to get all manuscripts properly checked for the English language. The publisher will not assume any such responsibility whatsoever.
  • Your Full Paper in the template, not exceed 8 pages (*8 pages including references)
  • Similarity Index (Plagiarism) – less than 5%
  • Authors must strictly follow APA (American Psychological Association) reference style.

Paper Format

  • Title of the paper (Title, Times New Roman, bold, 14)
  • Author11*, Author22 (Author(s), Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • (Affiliation email, Times New Roman, 10)
  • ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, bold, 10)
  • Keywords (Times New Roman, bold, 9)
  • Highlights in Bulleted Form (Times New Roman, 9)
  • No Heading of Introduction
  • Literature Review (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Topic
  • Subtopic
  • Methods (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Data Analysis (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Results (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Discussions (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Conclusion (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • Limitations and Future Studies (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
  • References (APA 6th edition)

Submission of Manuscripts

Authors should submit Word or rich-text files only by the Online Manuscript Submission System (

License and permissions

Work submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published figures, tables, or parts of text are to be included, the copyright-holder’s permission must have been obtained prior to submission.

Cover Letter

All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a brief overview of the manuscript and the corresponding and contacting author contact information including full name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address (corresponding author and contacting author). It should also specify the number of display items (figures and tables), the number of attachments (manuscript, figures, Supplementary Information if any), and their formats. It must include a statement indicating that the article has not been published in another publication and is not being submitted simultaneously to another journal.

Preparation of the manuscript

General: Papers must be clearly written in English. If you would like additional help with the quality of your written English, please visit our English Editing and Proofreading Services page. Our team will get back to you.

The format of different types of articles is as under:

Format of Research Articles

Research articles present original research and address a clearly stated specific hypothesis or question. Papers should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. A research article should divide into the following headings:

  • Title page
  • Author's information
  • Present address
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Highlights
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures

Format of Review Articles

Review articles are an attempt by one or more authors to sum up the current state of the research on a particular topic. Ideally, the author searches for everything relevant to the topic, and then sorts it all out into a coherent view of the "state of the art" as it now stands. Interested scientists may write their review articles under the following headings:

  • Title page
  • Author's information
  • Keywords
  • Highlights
  • Present address
  • Abstract
  • Text
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures

Format of Short Communications

A short communication is for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution. Short communication is not intended to publish preliminary results. It should be no more than 2500 words, and could include two figures or tables. It should have at least 8 references. Scientists may prepare their short communications under the following headings.

  • Title page
  • Author's information
  • Present address
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Highlights
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures


An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Abstract should be concise less than 250 words and describe, in a paragraph, concisely purpose, methods, important results and describe conclusion of the study, but not repeat information already presented in the title. Short communication or clinical case reports must also be submitted with an abstract.


This is a list important terms relevant to the content of paper and should be different from title. Up to 4-5 key words should be listed at the bottom of abstract to be used as index terms.


Please Include a focussed Highlight in brief (Max 25 Words) as a Separate Heading after Abstract in Bullet Form about the Manuscript.


Emphasizes the importance of the research, places it in a context, presents related literature, and gives enough information to understand the authors’ goals. It ends with a paragraph stating the objectives of the study.


Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. They should have a brief descriptive title placed at the top. A short description is also accepted. Footnotes can be included below the table. Tables cannot duplicate data contained in the text. Tables must be sent in Microsoft Word and have no links to the main document or other archives. Provide files at approximately the correct size they are to be printed (letter size).


Figures should be supplied in an electronic format at a suitable size for printing with the following resolutions: 600 dots per inch (dpi) for line drawings and combinations; 300 dpi for greyscale and colour. Colour figures must be supplied in CMYK not RGB colours. Please ensure that the prepared electronic image files print at a legible size and are of a high quality for publication.


References should be Comprehensive & Current , should be within 10 years.

At the end of the paper, in the References section the literature should be arranged in alphabetical order. If they have the same author, they should be in chronological order. In the text: References must be cited in the text mentioning the last name of the author and year between parentheses. In case of two authors, both should be mentioned. When there are three or more authors, mention only the first author followed by et al. When two or more references are cited in the same parenthesis, the authors should be in chronological order. And if they have the same year, they should be in alphabetical order. Moreover, if there is more than one reference of the same author and the same year, they should be indicated with letters

Important note: If article has a DOI number, then it must be written after cite, after dots. IT’S NECESSARY!!!!

Note: DOI number must be written in format:

DOI number you can find on

Example of References

Journal Papers

Ravi, S.C., Umesh, K.B. and Srikantha Murthy. P.S. 2019. Transaction Cost in Irrigation Tank Management: An Institutional Economic Analysis. Eco Affairs 63(4):785-790.

Roy, S.M., G. De, M. Mora, Peirano, P. and Zunino, H. 2002. Balance and distribution of sulphur in volcanic ash-derived soils in India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:1355-1362.

Bulletins, Special publications

Soil Survey Staff. 1994. Keys to soil taxonomy. Agric. Hand. 436. 306 p. 6th ed. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C., USA.


SAS Institute. 1992. STAT Guide for personal computers. 704 p. 8th ed. SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA.

Chapter in a Book

Singh, D., and Banerjee, D 1998. Effects of harvesting intensity on forest productivity and soil carbon storage. p. 351-363. In R. Lal et al. (eds.) Management of carbon sequestration in soils. Advances in Soil Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Chapter in a Proceedings Volume

Ray, G. and Srivastava, C. 2005. SRI cultivation in IGP Plains of UP, India. In Proceedings of 56th Science Congress 11-14th October 2005.Indian Society of Agronomy, Kolkata, India.


Sen, H. 2003. Effect of Organic matter on soil properties. Thesis M Sc (Ag). Banaras Hindu University, Faculty of Agriculture, Varanasi, UP, India.

Electronic references

ODEPA. 1999. Estadísticas agropecuarias. Disponible en ( Last Accessed on 9th March,2019)

Measurement Units.

Results should express in International System of Units (SI); if other units used, they should be in parentheses after the SI unit. It is suggested to use an exponential form instead of a slash, e.g., kg ha-1


Proof-correction should be in red ink; in the margins. All queries marked in the article should be answered. Proofs are supplied for a check-up of the correctness of type-setting and facts. Excessive alteration may be charged to the authors. The proofs should be returned within 7 Working days.


All manuscripts will undergo editorial modification, so it is important to check proofs carefully. PDF page proofs will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author for checking. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked and returned within 48 hours. Corrections should be returned by annotated PDF, e-mail or fax. Extensive changes to the text may be charged to the author.

Post-Production corrections

Corrections are made if the publication record is seriously affected by the academic accuracy of published information. Where these amendments concern peer-reviewed material, the correction will be published as a formal notice (erratum) in a subsequent issue.


Covering letter

  • Signed by all contributors
  • Source of funding mentioned
  • Conflicts of interest disclosed

Author Details

  • Middle name initials provided
  • Author for correspondence, with e-mail address provided
  • Number of contributors restricted as per the instructions

Presentation and format

  • Double spacing
  • Margins 2.5 cm from all four sides
  • Title page contains all the desired information
  • Running title provided (not more than 50 characters)
  • Abstract page contains the full title of the manuscript
  • Abstract provided (about 150 words for case reports and 250 words for original articles)
  • Structured abstract provided for an original article
  • Key words provided (three or more)
  • Highlights Mentioned
  • ORCID ID should be mentioned there

Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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