Journal Management:

Infrastructure: A proper infrastructure is mandatory for a smooth working. Journal has its own designate Physical office. One for the Editorial Office and other one is the Publication Office. These offices are not shared or used for other purpose outside of the Journal work. Journal printing done at Amit Printers, New Delhi.

Software: It is desired in a journal handling large number of submissions to have a proficient online manuscript management portal. EA uses the journal management portal for online manuscript submission, Editorial and reviewer panel which is manuscript submission web. EA Does not accept submission as email attachment or as physical copies.

Business Model: The primary source of revenue for Production of EA is depending on Article processing charges and financially supported by AESSRA and there is no submission charge charged from the authors. Journal does not provide any fast Peer Review system. The decision of the editor in Chief is the final decision.

Technology: Technology has become a part of life with increasing presence. At EA, IT plays a crucial part for the production of the Journal. This has been core philosophy behind the daily improvement excises done to less the human burden in both publication and editorial assessment of articles.

Manuscript Waiver: For more details please visit

Language: EA accepts articles only in English Language. All references used in such articles should also be in English Language.

Publication schedule: EA publishes quarterly. EA never defaulted in delaying the Publishing any Issue of actual Publishing Month.

Permission to Deposit Work: Authors are permitted to deposit published Work in Personal, institutional, thematic and/or other open access repository. As post publication the Journal will be the copyright holder of the Published Work author should inform the journal prior to depositing the work. Authors are not permitted to deposit works which are still under consideration with the journal, part of the work.

Legitimate: EA was neither mentioned in the Beall's Predatory Journal list nor a part of Predatory Journal List.

Transparency: A Reader wants to visit our office and would like to experience our working environment, is most welcome on prior appointment with the Editorial/Publication team.

Gender and Racial Policy: EA does not hold prejudice against any gender or race. All are treated with Equality.

Correction Policy: If there has been a genuine error in an article, which has missed earlier, then an errata or correction in posted in the next Issue. Routinely this is not charged. However, if the error is in the details of the authors that could have been carefully weeded out at the time of proof and the work has been published both in print and Online.

Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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