Volume 69 Issue 3, September Issue 2024
Statistical Modeling and Trend Analysis of Sugarcane Yield in the States of India  Manish Kumar
Factor affecting consumption of fertilizer nutrient in Haryana Nitin Sharma
Determinants of firm-level technical efficiency in the Indian Yarn Industry: Insights from Data Envelopment Analysis and Panel Regression  Susobhan Maiti
Structurally Transforming Indian Economy with Special Reference to the Agriculture Sector Niyati Thakur
Production and Marketing Constraints Faced by Spring Maize Growers in Haryana Mandeep Kumar
Business adaptation to climate change: Developing strategies to adapt
business processes to changing climate conditions and reduce risks
Iryna Maksymova
Digital content marketing: optimisation of content in the distribution policy
system of trade and agro-industrial enterprises
Liudmyla Dybchuk
Advancing Ukraine’s national information policy amid global challenges Pylyp Farmkhaus
The role of investments in stimulating economic growth Liudmyla Verbivska
Creative economy: enhancing value creation through marketing analytics Svitlana Kovalchuk
Economic and legal aspects of implementing digital technologies for
improving the efficiency of e-commerce
Vitalii Volynets
Evaluating wartime infrastructure damage: effects on national investment
Viachslav Bohun
Enhancing Business Efficiency and Competitive Edge in Martial Law
Olha Harvat
Ukraine& contribution to global food security: Contemporary challenges
and future opportunities
Vasyl Halkin
Methods of financial risk management in enterprises Olha Bielan


Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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