Neha' s Articles

Supply Response of Arhar and Gram in Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh 10.5958/0976-4666.2015.00111.4
Acoustic Communication in Orthopteran and Hemipteran Insects 10.30954/2319-5169.01.2019.2
Personality Types, Anxiety and Stress among Young Adults 10.30954/2230-7311.2.2020.14
18th Century Village Craftsmen: A Socio-Economic Study of Marvar 10.30954/2249-6637.04.2020.6
Mode of Inheritance of Immunocompetence Traits in Three Japanese Quail Populations 10.30954/2277-940X.06.2020.25
Factors affecting regeneration potential of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) – A review 10.30954/2319-5169.2.2020.5
To Ascertain Factors of Learning Objectives Facilitating Quality Education Factor Analysis and Modelling the Relationship Among the Factors by Regression Model 10.30954/2230-7311.1.2021.1
Evaluation of Terminalia arjuna in Comparison to Taurine against Experimental Hepatotoxicity due to Cisplatin in Rats 10.30954/2277-940X.03.2021.4
Pre-harvest Application of Ethrel and Potassium Schoenite on Yield, Quality, Biochemical Changes, and Shelf-life in Crimson Seedless Grapes 10.30954/0974-1712.04.2021.1
A Study of the Emotional Intelligence of Graduating Students with Reference to Surat City 10.30954/2322-0465.2.2021.5
Occurrence of Bovine Coxiellosis in Small Livestock Farms of Uttar Pradesh, India 10.30954/2277-940X.01.2022.22
Economics of Growth Performance, Instability and Decomposition Analysis of Tobacco in India 10.46852/0424-2513.2.2022.15
A Review of Gothan and Godhan Nyay Scheme in Chhattisgarh 10.46852/0424-2513.2.2022.22
Area, Production and Yield of Paddy, Wheat and Gram in India vis-à-vis Chhattisgarh: A Spatio-temporal Analysis 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2022.4
Export Status of Cereals and its Preparations from India: An Overview 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2022.7
A Review on Thermoregulatory Responses in Tharparkar Cattle against Heat Stress 10.30954/2277-940X.05.2022.9
Comparison of Reliability of Animal Models and Bayesian Approach for Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Growth Traits in Chokla Sheep 10.30954/2277-940X.05.2022.18
Farmers Acreage Allocation Response in districts of Chhattisgarh Plains Zone: An Acreage Response Analysis of Paddy, Wheat and Gram 10.46852/0424-2513.5.2022.20
Economic Analysis of Garlic (Allium sativum) Stalk Cutter cum Grader Machine 10.46852/0424-2513.1.2023.15
Economic Analysis of Factors Affecting Sugarcane Production in Major Sugarcane Producing States of India 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2023.6
Antiproliferative Effect of Methanolic and Aqueous Extract of Duranta erecta in C127I Cell Line 10.30954/2277-940X.04.2023.19
A Study of Reproductive Traits in Magra Sheep 10.30954/2277-940X.05.2023.12

Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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