Year: 2023 | Month: May | Volume 68 | Special Issue

Analysis of the Vectors of Digital Transformation of Retail Trade in Ukraine: Determination Methodology and Trends

T. Shtal N. Proskurnina N. Savytska M. Mykhailova I. Bubenets


This study was conducted for the retail trade; approaches to determining changes in retail trade under the influence of digitalisation of socio-economic processes were established. The purpose of the research was to analyse the vectors of digitalisation in the field of digital trade in Ukraine. The main methods used in the study were analysis, deduction, forecasting, abstraction, modelling, etc. The study analysed the main factors influencing the development of digital transformation in Ukraine. Using the developed model, it was demonstrated that technological and behavioural factors have the greatest impact; they force retailers to actively adapt to the environment and find new methods of introducing innovations into their business models. Other factors, such as socio-economic or institutional, have a much smaller impact on retail innovation. In addition, the study evaluates the interdependence of consumer needs
and relevant innovations in the field of innovation and describes how certain companies have used the latest technologies to improve the quality of their business.


  • The aim of the article is to analyze the vectors of digitalization in the retail trade sector in Ukraine. The study emphasizes the significant impact of technological and behavioral factors, highlighting the need for retailers to adapt and innovate. It also explores the interdependence between consumer needs and relevant innovations in the retail sector. The research contributes to the understanding of digital transformation in Ukraine’s retail industry and its specific features within the broader context of innovation and business sectors.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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