O.P. Singh' s Articles

Constraints to Agricultural Diversification in Mirzapur District of Uttar Pradesh 10.5958/0976-4666.2015.00040.6
Supply Response of Arhar and Gram in Eastern Region of Uttar Pradesh 10.5958/0976-4666.2015.00111.4
Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Surface Seeding Technology in Wheat 10.30954/0974-1712.04.2022.3
Agricultural Trade Performance: A Case Study of Indian Oilseeds 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2023.39
Assessment of Trend for Area, Production, Productivity and Post-harvest losses of Onion and Potato in Uttar Pradesh, India 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2024.11

Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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