Year: 2023 | Month: March | Volume 68 | Issue 1

Theory and Practice of Public Management of Smart Infrastructure in the Conditions of the Digital Society’ Development: Socio-economic Aspects

Volodymyr Yermachenko Dmytro Bondarenko Liudmуla Akimova Marta Karpa Oleksandr Akimov Nadiia Kalashnyk


Today, cities represent the leading form of territorial and socio-economic organization of modern society. The formation of a smart city based on smart infrastructure as its core essence is a trend that covers a number of cities on all continents of the planet. Based on the analysis of research in the field of smart infrastructure and its components, and the management of this infrastructure in smart cities, as well as trends in the creation and development of smart cities in terms of socio-economic implications, the conclusion is made about the need for “smart governance” to pay attention to the processes of sociospatial development and taking into account the needs of citizens, in order to avoid the occurrence of bilateral negative effects digital inequality on the one hand and an unjustified increase in public spending
on the other hand.


  • The article is devoted to the analysis of smart infrastructure and smart city concepts and their practical implementation, including arising challenges, from the angle of view of public management
  • The obtained results demonstrated the necessity of systemic approach in public management of planning, development, an functioning of smart cities, based on identifying and removing barriers that create a gap between stated city goals and actual practice, with an eye to the motives and needs of human and creative capital
  • The practical significance of the research lies in outlining of key implications and challenges in today public management of smart infrastructure in the conditions of the digital society’ development, within the frames of smart cities planning and functioning

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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