Year: 2023 | Month: March | Volume 68 | Issue 1

Volume of Timber Consumption in Sawmill Industries of Valley Districts of Manipur State, India: Its Determinants and Implications

Hanjabam Isworchandra Sharma Lynda Thoudam


The present paper seeks to determine the volume and species of timber consumption in sawmill industries of Valley districts of Manipur State, India. The study finds a high growth rate of prices for all timber species. Species-wise data shows that about 60 percent of total inputs consumed by sawmill units are for furniture use and the rest for housing and construction. The study employs a log-linear multiple regression model to determine input consumption’s determinants. The regression analysis shows that units are not fully
utilizing their installed capacity, as shown by the negative relationship between installed capacity and input consumption. Other factors like the area of the unit, capital investment, and perennial operation are factors that have positive impacts on the input consumption of the sawmill units.


  • Sixty percent of timber consumed as input by sawmill industries is for furniture purposes and the rest is for housing and construction.
  • The installed capacity of sawmill is negatively related to input consumption which is in contrast to the general relationship between higher capacity and higher input consumption.
  • The uncontrolled growth of illegal units has shrunk the markets of permit holders, discouraging them from investing and having the specialized unit.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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