Year: 2023 | Month: March | Volume 68 | Issue 1

Study on the Application of “RECSA” Model to Evaluate the Customer Satisfaction towards Call Taxi Services Offered

A. Kandeepan S. Kavitha N. Narmadha


It’s very difficult to measure services than goods due to characteristics of services like intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability. There is always demand for travel service since mobility is one of the important aspects for public. In the present economic situations one of the industries that has went through several changes is taxi services. The competition in taxi services is mainly between the local taxi providers and taxi aggregators. Apart from competition, the service providers face fluctuations in  prices and other new challenges. In order to this, local taxi service providers are facing threats with the competitors like UBER, OLA, red taxi etc. Nowadays, customers are smart enough that they need high quality products as well as excellent service from them. They are used to practice with famous brands with good status as well as decent services. Hence service quality of taxi services becomes a vital criterion to be analyzed in order to satisfy the customers. In this study the researcher has identified five factors of service quality, and the impact of five factors on customer satisfaction. The primary data was collected in Coimbatore city by using convenient sampling method, at important places in the city like theatre, malls, railway station, airport, hospitals etc. Using path analysis, it was found out that, out of the five factors three factors namely comfort, safety and affordability impacts customer satisfaction significantly.


  • The researcher aims to find out the key factors that influence the customer satisfaction of taxi services.
  • The study aims to find out the reason for preference of a particular taxi service so that the taxi providers can modify their strategies to attract customers.
  • It also helps out to find out entrepreneurial opportunities.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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