Year: 2022 | Month: October | Volume 67 | Issue 4s

Prospects for the Development of Information and Analytical Activities in the System of Public Authority Under the Conditions of Wartime Posture in Ukraine

Larysa Komakha Valentyna Goshovska Volodymyr Slyshynskyy Yuriy Lyashchenko Natalia Lyashchenko


Ensuring the effective implementation of the basic functions by the country’s public authorities significantly depends on the level of development of its information and analytical activities and the efficiency of the formation and implementation of state policy. The intensification of democratization and the increasing flow of information in the system of public power lead to the activation of the process of formation and development of information and analytical activity, which in the conditions of wartime posture is especially actualized and acquires significant importance. The purpose of the research lies in substantiating the theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for determining the prospects for the development of information and analytical activities in the system of public power in the conditions of wartime posture in Ukraine. General scientific and special methods of economic analysis have been used in the research, in particular as follows: analysis and synthesis, analogies and comparisons, grouping and multivariate cluster analysis, systematization and generalization, graphical and tabular methods. The results of the conducted research of the theoretical and applied principles regarding the determination of prospects for the development of information and analytical activities in the system of public power in the conditions of wartime posture in Ukraine has made it possible to establish that the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine has caused significant destructive changes in the system of public power, which requires the introduction of effective methods of information and analytical activity and innovative technological means of information protection. It has been proven that Ukraine, like other countries of the Eastern Partnership, are unable to fully ensure the stable development of information and analytical activities in the system of public authorities, for as much as they are characterized by a low level of their digitization, resistance to misinformation and countering cyber threats.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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