Year: 2022 | Month: June | Volume 67 | Issue 3
Institutional Instruments of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Integration
Olеna Ptashchеnko
Hanna Panasenko
Mykola Liapa
Oleksandr Sokhatskyi
Yaroslava Mudra
Nadiia Pylypenko
The article is devoted to improving the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. The authors investigated the main stages and the current state of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the state and outlined the institutional mechanisms for implementing state policy Ukraine-NATO. The authors elaborated on the main mechanisms of implementation and the Euro-Atlantic course of the state in the context of each of the ministries responsible for implementing the provisions of the Association Agreement identified “weaknesses”, analyzed the experience of countries, and proposed institutional tools for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration. The study has a significant political impact and contributes to the stable development of the state, maintaining the institutional and legal foundation for further reforms and continuing a coherent and consistent state policy in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration after the change of Parliament and E-Government
- NATO’s cooperation with Ukraine is of great importance for guaranteeing peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.
- The introduced Strategy for joining NATO should be considered not as a static document with an exhaustive list of mutual obligations, but as a “living” and flexible tool that should ensure the gradual integration of Ukraine into NATO
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