Year: 2022 | Month: February | Volume 67 | Issue 1s

Economic Aspects of Potato Cultivation in Sultanpur District of Uttar Pradesh

Ajeet Kumar Ravindra Singh Pavan Kumar Singh Bhartendu Yadav Harendra Pratap Singh Choudhri


The present study was carried out with objective to estimate cost and returns of potato under different size of sample farms in study area. The study is confined to Kadipur block of Sultanpur district of U.P. as it is one of the major potato producing block of the district with its favourable agro-climatic factor for Potato crop. A sample of 100 potato farmers comprises 85 marginal, 11 small and 04 medium farmers were selected by proportionate random sampling method from five villages. The required data were collected from random selected respondents by using of pre structured schedule for the estimation of per hectare cost of cultivation, income of potato and input-output ratio. The overall average cost of cultivation was estimated ` 82560.79 per hectare and net income was # 88993.96 with input-output ratio 1:2.08 which showed the profitability of crop. On the basis of finding of study, it is recommended that the study area is exceptionally potential for potato crop and it is economically viable.


  • The total cost of cultivation of potato was found higher on medium farms and also cost of production was higher than marginal and small farm size group of farms
  • Gross return and Net returns was higher on marginal farms compare to small and medium farm because of less increase in yield against the increased input factors at increasing size of farm. Input-output ratio was higher on marginal farms.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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