Year: 2021 | Month: December | Volume 66 | Issue 4

Export Competitiveness and Price Trend of Basmati Rice

Sangeeta Kumari S. Perke D.S. Kamble A.T.


The present study was undertaken to access the price trend of Basmati rice in domestic and International market and export competitiveness of Basmati rice as it accounts a major share to the export basket of India and generates higher earning due to high value in both international and domestic market compared to other agricultural commodities. The secondary data required to achieve the objectives were collected from the APEDA, DGCIS and Indiastat website for a period of 20 years (1999-2000 to 2018-2019). The trend in domestic and international price was estimated by using different parametric models and Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC) was used to study the export competitiveness. The trend analysis showed that among all the competitive parametric models, exponential model was best fitted for both domestic and international price. The NPC value concluded that for all the three periods taken into consideration, Basmati rice was highly competitive in global market. Therefore, there is comparative advantage in the export of Basmati rice and concerned efforts must be taken up to effectively utilise its export potential.


  • Exponential model was best fitted for both domestic and international price.
  • Basmati rice was highly competitive in global market.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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