Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume 63 | Issue 2

Relationship between Profile Characteristics with Knowledge and Adoption of Transplanting Method of Pigeon Pea Cultivation Practices



The research study was conducted in Kalaburagi district of Karnataka during the year 2014-15 by using ex-post-facto research design. The total sample of 120 was derived from three taluks of a district by using random sampling method. It is concluded from the present study that, transplanting method of pigeon pea cultivation practices is well known among the respondents. It is seen that education, farming experience, land holding, annual income, risk orientation, scientific orientation, extension participation and sources of information showed positive and highly significant relationship at one per cent level, Whereas, innovativeness and mass media utilization showed positive and significant relationship at five per cent level. One variable i.e., age showed non-significant relationship with knowledge level of transplanting pigeon pea farmers. Farming experience showed positive and highly significant relationship at one per cent level, whereas, education, land holding, annual income, innovativeness, risk orientation, scientific orientation, extension participation, mass media utilization and sources of information showed positive and significant relationship at five per cent level. One variable i.e., age showed non-significant relationship with adoption level of transplanting pigeon pea farmers.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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