Year: 2018 | Month: March | Volume 63 | Issue 1

Issues and Challenges of the Weekly Market Street Vendors in Telangana: A Special Reference to Hyderabad



In developing countries, the informal sector is playing a dominating role in providing employment and income security in rural as well as urban areas. In India, Informal sector is playing a significant role because 93 per cent of employment workforce is from informal sector and only 7 per cent of employment of workforce is from formal sector or organised sector. The Hawkers and street vendors, one of the important part of the urban informal sectors, accounted for two third of the city’s employment in India. The street vendors are not recognised and regulated by state, and therefore, they do not get any support from government to operate their activity. They face several problems like harassment and pressure by police department, municipality authorities, local leaders and market contractors or rent seekers. In this circumstance, the objectives of the study is to investigate the issues and challenges of weekly market street vendors in Hyderabad. The study is based on secondary as well as primary data. The primary data have been collected from three weekly markets in Hyderabad.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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