Year: 2024 | Month: s | Volume 69 | Issue 3

Production and Marketing Constraints Faced by Spring Maize Growers in Haryana

Mandeep Kumar R.S. Pannu D.P. Malik Ankit Mahapatra


The present study analyzed production and marketing constraints confronted by spring maize growers in irrigated tract of Haryana in 2020-21. The data was collected from 80 farmers through face to face approach to ascertain constraints in spring maize cultivation and three point Likert type scale was used and Friedman’s test was employed. The findings exposed that, among the production constraints, high wage rate of human labour was the major constraint tracked by damage to standing crop by birds/wild animals, non-availability of maize dryer, higher cost of seed and incidence of insect-pests and diseases. The prominent marketing restraints were non-procurement of produce by public agencies, low market price of produce offered due to higher moisture content, delay in payment, low value of by-product etc. Arrangement of assured procurement of produce at MSP, mechanization of farm operations through
custom hiring centres to curtail cost of cultivation, incentivizing the farmers for wired fencing, access to maize dryer, adequate storage facilities and market intelligence are essential for promotion of spring maize cultivation in study area.


  • A Likert type scale and Friedman’s test was employed for the analysis.
  • Among the various constraints, high wage rate of human labour was considered as a major production constraint and non-procurement of produce by public agencies was a prominent marketing constraint faced by the spring maize growers in the study area.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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