Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 68 | Issue 2

Digital Education: Its Uses and Perception among the Students of Raiganj University and Adjacent Institutions - The Social, Technological & Economical Context

P.K. Paul


Digital Education is the need of the hour due to the impact of Information Technology in Education, Teaching and Research. Digital Education is composed with other allied mode of education including Online Education, Blended Education, Virtual Education, ICT in Education, Distance Education, and so on. Gradually the uses and impact of Digitalization in Education lead the concept of Digital Education. Digital Education may be the online education or it may be considered as ICT and Computing uses in teaching-learning, educational administration and management. Digital Education and its uses not same in all the countries, states or territories; and people or learners have various thinking, impact and perception regarding the uses of Digital Education. Such use pattern and preference differences are mainly due to the social and economical status of the users or learners. Digital Education is highly depends on Education Technology utilizations in Education and allied activities. This paper is about Digital Education with a special focus on uses, impact and perception among the students Raiganj University and adjacent institutions. Paper highlights the scenario, socio and economic concern about Digital Education and ICT application in Education.


  • Digital Education is a concept, research area and very recently become a field of study; available as academic degrees.
  • Digital Education comes with ample opportunities but there are large number of issues and concern regarding technologies, finance, education and social.
  • As per the survey total 4 selected institution’s respondent’s perceptions have been studied, analyzed and reported.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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