Year: 2023 | Month: March | Volume 68 | Issue 1
Arrival and Price of Potato in Assam: A Zonal Perspective
Sujata Baruah
Udeshna Talukdar
Sangita Borah and Nivedita Deka
The present study was performed to analyse the growth rate and variation (instability) in arrival and price of potato in Assam. The study was conducted for five major markets and five zones of Assam. It was based on secondary data on daily market arrival and daily wholesale price of potato collected from for the period 2010-2021. The trend of potato arrival was positively significant in Hojai market. The study observed that there was a positive growth rate in arrival of potato in almost all of the markets primarily after the harvesting months. The price of potato in Barpeta Road, Jorhat and Balugaon markets had exhibited a significant positive high growth rate in the month of January. The seasonality index for arrival had been high during the period December-March which is the main season of potato in Assam. The instability for arrival and price in Barpeta Road and Balugaon markets were much
higher than the other markets. It is important to have proper storage facility to minimise the instability.
- Hojai market depicted a significant trend in arrival and price of potato.
- CAGR was positive for arrival of potato in almost all of the markets while the price of potato in different markets had different natures of growth.
- The CDVI for arrival and price were higher in Barpeta Road and Balugaon markets.
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