Year: 2023 | Month: March | Volume 68 | Issue 1

Future Outlook of Maize Sector in Pakistan: A 2030 Perspective

Nabeel Hussain Chetna Pradeep Mishra Yashpal Singh Raghav Rajani Gautam Supriya


The objective of this study is to measure compound growth and predict future area, production and yield of maize in Punjab province and entire Pakistan using time series data collected from various government reports for the period of 1981-2019. Area, production and yield under maize crop showed positive compound growth in Punjab province and Pakistan as a whole. However, the above indicators
were higher for Punjab province than entire Pakistan. Forecasting of maize crop in Pakistan and Punjab province indicated that the area, production and yield will increase by 2030. As Punjab province is a leading contributor of maize production, the increase in area, production and yield will significantly impact the overall economy and livelihoods of the people. This calls for standard maize growing policy and comprehensive actions by government to provide subsidies on inputs availability and to conserve water.


  • Area, production and yield of maize increased in Punjab Province and Pakistan during 2019 over 1981 and the rate of increase was higher for the province than entire Pakistan.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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